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Japan Expo 2012

Published Tuesday, 1 January 2013 by sydneysunnyray

Every summer in Paris people gather. Maybe tourist or romantic couple can be seen in globs at museums, parks, and famous streets. However, Paris is more then a city with historical places. It is a new, modern city too with young rulers. Paris is home to Japan Expo the largest Anime/ Japanese Culture Convention/ Comic Con in Europe! This event takes place every summer in Paris around the end of June or the start of July – when exams are over in schools and universities. I hope to share with you some tips and personal fun time!

Aurore’s Japan Expo Poster for 2012

After my hassle of figuring out my last few days in France and flight tickets, I walked to FNAC in Amiens and bought a Sunday ticket for Japan Expo (JE). Places like FNAC is not only an entertainment store, but a great and easy place to buy advance tickets for events, concerts, and even museums. So, I was ready to go the morning after my full day at the Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Summer Tea Party. Yet, getting to JE was tricky and I was nervous. The expo was outside of Paris and required taking the RER. The expo take place at the RER stop “Par des Expositions”, which is right beside the “Charles de Gaulle 1″. I find the RER to be a bit more confusing and troublesome to use, not to mention more expensive. Even though this troubled me, I was not too nervous about this. I bought my RER ticket for zone 4 in advance at the metro station. No worries. My worries was the hoards of people and finding my friends. My friends, the two Marines and Nico, were the experts who go every year and everyday. Although my hotel was one metro stop or a walk away from “Gare du Nord” RER, I took the RER all the way to the other side of the city to meet my friends. I walked over to the other side of my exit platform to take the RER in the other direction. Once we met, we all gave “bisous”. They handed me Birthday presents – that I didn’t expect, and I handed them “merci” gifts. Finally, we climbed on the RER train. The train was already crowded, but we found blessed seats- I believe, 5 people to 4 seats. As the RER went through Paris, people continued to get on and nobody got off. Men in suits could not get on in “Gare du Nord”; locals watched with annoyed faces; people on the train had cat ears on, funny clothes and lolita dress on (us) refused to move; the train filled over the legal capacity.

The entrance and inside had a lot of people!

The Marines and I with the protectors of Japan Expo! *Marine’s photo*

The Marines and I with the protectors of Japan Expo! *Marine’s photo*
In the end we made it. I followed my friends in the labyrinth to the entrance. Before I mention some of the highlights, I will say, “THIS WAS HUGE!” I have only gone to my little Anime Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, MTAC, before Japan Expo. There was so much and more then I can tell or remember!

Me and the artist Aurore BlackCat. *Marine’s Photo*

My first stop was to see the artist Aurore BlackCat. She became my favorite French artist while I stayed in France because of the “Bande Dessine” Elinor Jones. I badgered my friends to stop by her booth first before I forgot with excitement. I bought a small sketchbook, an Elinor Jones postcard and a pin. I was nervous to ask for her signature while she was working, but Marine kindly asked her to sign my postcard. I am such a fan of her art! It is very rich in color with a style inspired but not limited to Japanese manga.

Marine, Me, Karima, and Marine shopping. *Marine’s Photo*

We got free Hello Kitty shopping bags, I found my favorite booth,official Studio Ghibli, and we posed in a manga booth for Thermae Romae manga. *All from Marine*

Next, we walked around. Anytime there we were free, we walked among the booths. The booths were in groups of categories. I had a lot of fun looking at all the things people made or the cute things from Japan. Of course there were humble booths but also booths that were more like stores full of manga or crazy things. A whole section was dedicated to video games were the boys gathered. However, close by a Hello Kitty mascot had a crowd of surrounding her. Also, girls typing in there emails for a much need Hello Kitty bag to put all their goodies in for the day! And of course when you are walking around at a convention, you get to interact with people!

We are part of a classic ninja and lolita movie! *Marine’s Photo*

Our big event was worth the 2 hour wait. We went into a large area with a stage. We sat and watched a Cosplay and fashion show. It wasn’t super exciting, but after walking all morning, having a place to sit, and lunch felt great! Marine brought me a classic French sandwich that always tastes like a million dollar French dinner – a baguette with cheese and tomato.

6% DokiDoki’s shopgirls , Yuka and Vani, posing in the fashion show.

Finally, the Harajuku Kawaii in Paris fashion show started! All sorts of street fashion walked out in wonderful outfits! Of course, I found my favorite – Lolita. At the end 6% DokiDoki dances out. Yes, they danced out like crazy! I was so surprised! I love $6 DokiDoki! Their things are widely coveted for their great bright colors! Personally, I wish I could be as bold at Yuka and Vani with crazy color and clothing!
You can read about Lunie-Chan’s experiece as a model for 6% DokiDoki: HERE.

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu in concert!

Then then area got quiet. We waited for a long time. Then we heard it – the crazy pop music, and two dancer went crazy on stage to prepare the way for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu! Kyary made her international debut in Paris, France, and I screamed along with the rest of her fans. Marine smiled and laughed at me. But, I was excited. I’m just a girl who grew up in hick-town in a hick-state. So never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see so many people that have always been trapped in my computer screen and iPod. So, I willingly played along with the hand motions and sang out with the crowd!

Here I am buying from the 6% DokiDoki shopgirls. I almost bought that dream skirt! oh. *Marine’s photo*

Afterwards, I got to go to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and 6% DokiDoki’s booth! I bought things from 6% DokiDoki – bows and stars. I was getting a skirt, but sadly, I didn’t have the cash on me! I was so embarrassed when I told them to stop folding the skirt. I swore I had a few more 50Euros on me! haha! But, I went shopping Saturday too! Silly. The Shopgirls didn’t mind, and I got a poster instead which they signed!

Sweet petite Asuka and Maki wearing Angelic Pretty’s newest collection …with a skyscraper- me. *Marine’s Photo*

Sweet petite Asuka and Maki wearing Angelic Pretty’s newest collection …with a skyscraper- me. *Marine’s Photo*
Later, we walked around to booths. The Japan Expo was on its last hour and last day. Yet, surpisingly, I ran into Asuka and Maki. We asked for a picture with them. I hope they didn’t mind. At one point Asuka turned to call Maki over for the photos, and I leaded forward. I lost a bit of my balance and put my hand on her lower arm out of reflex. Not a smooth move in the Japanese culture… She just looked over a bit more surprised then someone from a western culture. haha… smooth.

The Marines and I waiting for the train.

We left around closing time. Thus, the RER problems began again. There is a trick that you can play. Instead of taking the train to Paris, try taking the train going away from Paris and switch on the next stop. You might be able to find a seat and fight a smaller crowd. Yet, we didn’t for some reason. Marine figured out the train was the same or something. There was a “train crowd” police – like what is in London. So we lined up on the line hopeful for the door to stop in front of one of us.

Top: 6% DokiDkoi and Aurore BlackCat purchases Bottom: My birthday presents – a French Vegetarian Cookbook, Angelic Pretty hand mirror, and bunny ring (MERCI) // My outfit was full Baby, the Stars Shine Bright with Marine’s cuffs and Secret Shop tea party shoes.

I said my goodbyes and gave “bisous” at “Gare du Nord”, bought a smaller then normal baguette from Paul’s in the train station, and took the Metro to my Hotel. I was tired, but this wasn’t then end for me. I had one more day in Paris with my friends! Just one more day…

Bonus Videos:

Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Paris Summer 2012 Tea Party

Published Saturday, 13 October 2012 by Sydney Sunny

The last 3 days in Paris and France were very stressful but amazing. At the end of June and the first week of July, I was cleaning and packing to return to the USA. It was hard to close my life over there and to pack my small suitcases. I can not explain all of the process, but the stress of it all was very rewarding. I left my cleaned room in Amiens and arrived in Paris for 3 days with friends!

My outfit: Pink Dessert OP// Everything Baby, the Stars Shine Bright but my wrist cuffs// Credit to Yumi

My Baby rose necklace with matching rose bracelet, and rose ring resting against my lacy pink dress.

The first day I went to Baby, the Stars Shine Bright’s Tea Party. I woke up early in the morning of July 7th because of the excitement! I dolled up in the hotel and left in baby pink! I was wearing platform pink shoes and had no where to hide, but I held my curly head up head in the metro till I traveled to the store to meet some friends before the tea party. I was the first to arrive. I talked with the store owner, M. Sawada, and looked around. I bought a few presents for my friends and a huge silver Baby ring. Then, my friends began to arrive.

Sweet Yumi in her blue dress resting in the store.

I don’t know who arrived when and how but people began to pour in as time went on till the store closed. First, Yumi arrived. She is my cute friend from Japan studying in Paris. She arrived in a newly bought blue dress that I absolutely adore on her. (If only my arms were shorter or the sleeves longer…) She and I were all smiles and hugs to be together! We met at Baby’s Tea Party in February, and I have cherished every moment with her so much! So, it was a special time for me to be with her again.

Me and Rosalynn chatting happily together. //Credit to Yumi

Then, I saw Rosalynn from Lolita Wonderland through the store’s window. I have followed and adored her blog for a while. She and I became close during my stay in Europe on Facebook chat. I have no idea how we started to talk or became friends. We were always talking and messaging each other. When the tea party tickets were announced, she and I both had our fingers crossed. This was a moment when our worlds could come together and meet! And, here we were meeting each other in person! We hugged and were very happy to touch. Rosalynn is such a sweetheart! She is just as her blog portrays her- a sweetheart in love with lolita! I was so happy to meet her, and without this Tea Party I would have never met her! Sadly, on my return to the USA we chat very little because of school and the time difference!

And also, I met Emilie! She and I met at the last tea party where we both shared our loves for the colors yellow and pink! She is adorable, and I always adored her outfits! She is very clever with her outfits too! One might say, I am a secret admirer of her many talents! Plus, she is a great artist.

Tasty, delightful, colorful,sushi waiting for us to eat it.

Soon- too soon- the store closed. This was my last visit since then to Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. So, Yumi took me to an authentic tiny sushi restaurant. She said the sushi tasted truer to the sushi in Japan; however, my taste buds are not sensitive! We had a great time talking and eating. Yumi even treated me to sake! She was surprised I liked it. Oh my! After our lunch, we had time to walk over to the Tea Party at Le Grand Hotel next to the Opera.

I was twirling in the empty tea room.

Yumi and I took the back entrance to the hotel. We both took this entrance when we came to the Anniversary Tea Party in February. We thought we were late. There were no other girls entering. We followed the signs and some workers nodded to us that we were in the right place. Yet, there was no one to greet us. Confused, I think, a man took us to the room and left us. The tea party was in the same hall, so we both knew where we were. Yet, the tables were empty. What did we do? We took pictures of the empty room.
Then M.Sawada appeared at the door and was surprised to see us. With him was a small, pretty, woman with a bob cut in “muggle” clothing- Midori. Yumi and M.Sawada talked in Japanese. What I got from the conversation (Yumi’s help) was that we came in the back entrance and everyone is waiting at the main entrance to be let in. M. Sawada was not mad by any account he just directed us to the correct place to wait, smiling and bowing.

Outside a sea of girls (with a few boys) were waiting to go inside. There was girls in over-the-top sweet, classical, bittersweet, goth, simple, pastel, dark, natural hair, wigs, bows, and bonnets. The mix of styles was like looking at a Tumblr feed of the lolitas. Plus to the many styles, people were from many places. Last time there were few girls outside of the French speaking countries, but there were girls from Germany and even Russia!

Claire explained the events in French and English.

Waiting for my ticket to be checked and entering the tea room was not very exciting. Yumi and I, both, were spoiled by our early visit. For the gift, I received tiny pins of the currant popular prints from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright and Alice and the Pirates.

I choose the Black Forest cake with silver on top.

Everyone standing, chatting, and taking pictures. Emilie is posing in the


This pretty German girl looked so cute in pink and her bunny!

Another girl who was cute as pie!

First, Tea and Sweets were served and every chatted and took pictures for a long time.

Midori with her book, Classical Doll.

Second, We were told to return to our seats for Midori’s entrance. She modeled the new Cinderella collection. I love the dress because it is so princess-like but also elegant!

The Cinderella dress’s print up close is stunningly elegant.

I felt like the design of the tea room mirrored the elegant print on the dress.

After she came in and modeled, the Cake made an entrance, and everyone had more sweets. I love this cake. I don’t know what kind of cake it is but it has to be made with French magic.

Midori held my hand, I smiled my super silly, excited smile.

my ticket, signed postcard, and pins

Then Midori held a little contest for her book by Rock-Paper-Scissors (which I lost horribly). And, then she sign the winner’s books and postcard for everyone else. For each person she talked to with the help of Claire, she looked at everyone’s outfit (she liked my little Baby- store ribbons), she would hold everyone’s hand, and smile for a picture. She seemed so calm, nice, and grateful to be with everyone.

This beauty won the best dressed of Alice and the Pirates. She sat at my table, she was from Russia, and she was just stunning!

Finally, the exciting hope of getting free pries by a drawing. Sadly, nothing for me! haha! And, the best prizes to Best Dressed by Midori’s Choice – which I agreed with!


Yumi, me, M. Sawada, Emilie, and Rosalynn posing together for a final picture!// Credit to Rosalynn

Check out these blog post for more pictures and information:

Lolita Wonderland

Fancy Melody

Totoro’s Adventures (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

PS: Sorry for the TOTAL abuse and lack of posts. I just hate to think about my last days in France… and be stuck in the middle of nowhere again! Maybe after all my French posts, I will be able to find fun things to write about again even if I am back to a boring university student! Till then!

Oh, Paris!

Published Wednesday, 18 July 2012 by Sydney Sunny

The best place to start is Notre Dame.

Another day in Paris, as the month June rolled along. The weather had been a little hot of the past few weeks as summer started to bloom. I was ready to try once again to go to the towers of Notre Dame.  I had longed to go up for so long but the lines are long too. Plus it is only weather permitting. Finally, there has been great weather! However, it did not hold out. The cloud crept in as I made plans and the wind blow cold.
When I met in Paris for my friends, the rain drops started to innocently fall on me. Why now?

Waiting in line for the towers gave interesting views of the side of the famous cathedral.

We did get in line for the Tower Tour (facing the front- the left), and we did wait for a wait but suddenly the rain poured from the heavens! I was distraught. The rain was miserable for me and my friends. I was the only one bent to go to the towers. So, I gave in. I hate rain, cold, and hunger.

The gargoyles perched on Notre Dame before their mouths because full of water.

So off we went, to the joy of the people behind us, to find a place to eat. We went to the Opera looking for some sushi. I have a deep love of sushi now and the Opera has a great selection for sushi, Japanese, or Korean food.

The Opera is always beautiful!

A funny situation unraveled when the boy ordered a bowl of white rice to accompany their sushi. They put a little shower of soy-sauce on the rice. Yumi, who is from Japan, laughed in surprise and amazement. She told them that it is considered rude to put soy-sauce on plain rice. I have heard of this but to see Yumi’s eye light up with the cultural difference made me smile.

Totoro watches and drools over the yummy sushi. There is cucumber,  avocado,  and pickled radish sushi.

Afterwards, we went to our favorite shops in the Bastille area, Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Les Fleurs, and Boddywood.
I only bought something from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. I bought about 3 pairs of sock and, I think, a few other things.

The little store I talk of, 6 Rue de Keller, Les Fleurs.

I really want to talk about Les Fleurs. I think, it is the name of the store. It is located on Rue de Keller and number 6. The store is full of unique homemade things. It reminds me of a real Esty store location. There are elegant, cute, and fun things. I had my eye on a crystal collar, I fingered the clock necklaces and I laughed at the mustache necklaces.

A vintage scooter next to the store that I believe a worker owns.

Time was running short, and we wanted to use our all day metro tickets. So, we went to Montmartre. I hate walking up the stairs to the Sacre Coeur. The stairs have people sitting, performing, tieing things on your arm, touching you, and just being loud. The area is not a relaxing area. Also, the Sacre Coeur is beautiful but does not interest me as Gothic Cathedrals do.

Sarce Coeur sits on a hill and has a great view of Paris.

However, it was easier because my French friends were with me. They guided us though the men saleing bracelets and the people seated on the steps. Once in the artist district, we looked are the artist and shops. Marine and Yumi got some ice cream.

Nice cool ice cram is starting to melt by the time they have their pictures taken.

The graffiti is very interesting at Montmartre.

We parted for another time. I waited for my train and returned to Amiens, till next time.

There is nowhere to sit and wait for trains in Gare du Nord. I like to find a metal post in front of the train tracks.


A nice welcome back to Amiens.

A Nice June Day

Published Monday, 16 July 2012 by Sydney Sunny

Liberty Flame in Paris is the same size as the Statue of Liberty’s Flame in New York.

I exited the Alma-Marceau metro and was facing the Liberty Flame in Paris. The flame was shimmering gold. I thought of my home and that June is my last full month in France. But I couldn’t stay on this thought, my friends, Marine, Yumi, and Nicolas, soon join me, and we were off on another adventure.

Oh!  The rich part of Paris!

We walked to Bois de Boulogne, which is on the west side of Paris. We head to the Vicor Hugo Place to reach the “bois”. As we walked I admired the buildings. The architecture reminded me of  Inception. The buildings were not just richly decorated, they were expensive. My friends explained to me that this is the nice neighborhood. But, because Paris is Paris the rich are richer then the people I am use to. For example, the rich in Paris make most of the rich people I know look middle class.

My friends walking under the trees in the Bois de Boulogne.

Apon reaching Bois de Boulogne, I felt like I was in a forest, not Paris. The trees were huge and thick. The paths were dirt. The only touch of reality was the few joggers, bikers, and one yoga class.

We walked and walked along the twisty paths till we were hungry. We had brought a picnic, and we need a place to sit.  Marine took me to a park called Jardin d’Acclimatation.

Jardin d’Acclimatation is a park with everything. There are rides, games, paths, foreign worlds to visits, animals, candy, mirrors, and picnic tables. And by the time we entered, all that mattered was the picnic tables. We sat down and ate.

After our tummies were full, we explore! My friend Karima joined too! We found some mirrors that lied. They made use short or tall, fat or skinny. We pet the animals and watched the rides.

The doors to 피세문?

I love the colors!


One of my favorite pictures with my friends under the words 죽우정! A quick trip to Korea!

I think my favorite part was the Korean garden. I have been to many gardens but never a Korean garden! I love Korean dramas, music, and language. I love learning how to read the characters, but I am not very good. Anyways, the garden had many colorful buildings! I loved it so much!

St Micheal is close to Notre Dame de Paris.

Afterward, we took the metro to the center of Paris. We went to the St. Micheal bookstore to look for English books. Karima studies English, and she is very good. She needed a few books. Then she had to go.  Later at 7pm, Marine, Nicolas, Yumi, and I had a early dinner. The French think 7pm is early for dinner. However, it is not uncommon for people to eat at 5pm for a early  dinner where I live. We ate at a 50’s dinner. Paris is loaded with 50’s dinners with burger galore. I had a salad because I was craving veggies. But we didn’t leave without a dessert. We each got a milk shake. I got a Speculoos milkshake. This is not in the USA! It was delicious.


I had to say a rushed goodbye to everyone because my train! I was lucky and mad my train just in time! Back to Amiens.

Parc des Buttes Chaumont and Goodbyes

Published Thursday, 28 June 2012 by Sydney Sunny

After the picnic in one park, Marine and Nicolas took me to another park to have a picnic! In such great weather everyone loves picnics in the shade after a long winter. This time we met with my friends again, Yumi and Karima. They all are my sweet precious friends!

We walked into the park and it was another forest like park- not sand paths and perfect grass and flowers. I always remember my lost love of the shade from trees. I am love the shade of trees and how the light dances between the leaves.

Walking in the shade on a warm day in a park is a favorite and simple favorite thing I like to do.

The “Parc des Buttes Chaumont” is in the area of the “Gare du Nord” , “Gard de l’Est” and “Basilique du Sacre Coeur”. It is up in this northern part of Paris pf district 19. There is not much tourist things to see in 19, so it was nice to be among the locals. There were children playing in the creek, mothers with babies, the young tanning, and the old strolling.

The bridge to the  little island with the little mountain.

I love this park. Also, there is a mountain! Well, not really, but like the Sacre Coeur it has a great free view of the romantic city of Paris. The view is on top of a steep tiny island with a mountain. On top sits a Greek style building to look from. I prefer this park to Sacre Coeur. I am often nervous in Sacre Coeur and hate the people there.

The Greek structure


The view of Paris- a little different then the normal view everyone thinks of, but this is Paris too!

Finally, we ate. After we walking in the grass and found the shade, we made a place to sit. I had a typical French sandwich. It is wonderful. It is simple too. It was about half a baguette with cheese and a tomato. This sandwich is a over priced golden tourist trap. Please, go to a Carrefour Market or a place to buy food. a Bagette is less then or around a 1Euro and the cheese is not expensive. Pick up anything else. You can just break the bread for lunch and have it with cheese. It is a wonderful to-go, picnic, and cheap lunch. You can save a little money but still have a nice French-y lunch!

A view of the picnics


We finished eating and packed our things because we were having dessert elsewhere.
At Baby, the Stars Shine Bright there was a party for Megu, a friend and worker, who was leaving to return home to Japan.

Megu at Baby

Praise to Megu time: I love Megu, and I am so happy to have become her friend over time. She is so sweet and beautiful. I never met someone who was so open and kind to me. Her sense of style and makeup inspires me to be like her! She is like a living doll!

The fabulous food

Anyways, Megu’s party was very large. There was food and drinks for everyone! I ate quite a lot, because of the chocolate pie and cheesecake. Never in my life have I tasted food like here in France.

The open doors at Baby!


The group of Megu’s friends

I talked with different people and looked around at everyone’s great outfits. In the end I felt that I could not go. I just couldn’t leave. Megu was a great friend, and I didn’t want to turn my back on her. I said goodbye to a dear friend in December and walking away from the train station was so hard. My legs again turned to lead. But, Megu say we will see each other again. I gave her a big hug. I pray that our lives will cross again.

Me,Megu, and Claire standing together. Megu is standing on the stairs in her high heel to be taller then me in my flats on the ground. Is she taller?


My tears came a little on the train. It was a brief overwhelming but controlled tear up. I was entering my last month in France, June, and I was sad. I have so many friends to say goodbye to when I leave. Yet, that is why I didn’t cry, I have so many friends.

Anniversaire des Associations Rouge Dentelle Rose Ruban et Chemin De Briques Roses

Published Wednesday, 20 June 2012 by Sydney Sunny

In May Rouge Dentelle Rose Ruban et Chemin De Briques Roses had a anniversary picnic! The picnic also had a raffle. I bought a good amount of ticket because the event was free!

At the beginning of the day, I met a local lolita from around the Amiens area. It was nice to meet someone new, like always.
We took the RER to the park. The park was Parc Montsouris. It is a large park at the very edge of Paris. The park had large, grand trees and areas like a forest! I almost felt at home! There were also tons of open grass area for people to read, eat, play, and tan. If I lived in Paris, I would have to go to parks like this every week! I need a nature getaway because I live near forests at home.

And to make everything better, the weather was warm for May. I was so happy to be warm and sticky, rather then cold and wet. However, this weather moved out afterward, and the result have been colder then I have ever been in June.

A pirate/ steam-punk lolita!

A top hat.

My favorite thing about this meet up was the different styles! There was sweet, gothic, pirate, steam-punk, classical, and sweet punk. There were even men dressed and acting like gentlemen! And everyone was different but the same thread of love for lolita fashion ran in the outfit. My style was just sweet. I wore my favorite skirt and new blouse. I always feel a bit plain but I enjoy everything just the same!

My Outfit::Umbrella, bow, blouse, skirt, bunny-bear bag, socks: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright // Shoes: Secret Shop

Once the blankets were spread out for our skirts, the food was placed in the center. And may I say anything else, the French know how to eat. There was all sorts of food! There was fresh vegetables, sandwiches, and quiches.b Also, my friend Yumi made rice-balls and sushi.
For dessert, there was a French coconut cake (I say French because it is very different in the USA), pink cupcakes, cookies, and tea.
And even later, there was watermelon. All the lolitas were scared to eat it because of their dresses, but not me. I have a deep love for watermelon! I was ecstatic to have a few slices!


My next big joy was the grass. The grass was so green and young. Most lolitas took off their shoes to sit without fear on the blankets with food; however, I took off my shoes and my socks. I was so happy to feel the grass between my toes, and dirt underneath my foot. It is simply a hard pleasure to find in a city or a city park.

Shoes, sock, bags, and umbrellas piled up as lolitas eat at the picnic.

After everyone ate their full, Marine, Camille, Yumi, and I went on a walk to view the park. After noon time the park had filled up with people who were enjoying the sun and warm weather. Every inch of grass had people sitting, eating, play, or tanning. Everyone seemed happy for the return of warm sunny days!

My dear friends and me// Credit to Marine

We came back to the picnic for the start of the raffle ticket drawing! There were many, many prizes! There were Deco-den supplies, books, Baby, the stars Shine Bright items, fan-magazines, jewelry, boxes, and a Baby, the Stars Shine Bright dress!
I bought 10 tickets with the hope of winning something. And I did! I won the Princess Luna trilogy and Misako’s book signed!

I was so sad that Misako was not coming to France this summer because she came last year. But, if you are near LA in the USA, you can meet her! I will have to do with her book and signature!

Am I excited? Credit to friend

My prizes!

Misako’s signature!

All in all, it was a wonderful relaxing picnic with friends and new friends too! The French lolita know how to dress and cook! Thank you!

Me and Yumi by the roses! Credit to Marine

Bye for now!

Just Another French Meal

Published Sunday, 6 May 2012 by Sydney Sunny

After spending time with both my French family and French friends, I learned how the French people eat. And when they eat, they eat good from my observation and participation.

I am still up for a surprise every time I sit down at a French meal, but I have an excuse. I am from America.

**Before I start, these are my observation, don’t take them by heart. Each situation, family, and food is different. I am vegetarian, and it was really simple, I think, for the cook to work around me. I have not looked up information before writing this. It is purely my observation. If things are wrong, they are not wrong for me.**

I’m eating with Marine’s family in Dives, France.

The plates are placed on the table. The plate in the center. The knife and fork on the sides ( I forgot which sides for now). A smaller spoon is placed above the plate. The spoon is for the desserts. I found myself using my fork instead out of habit. Opps! Finally, a glass for a drink is place right above the plate where is the spoon is placed. The glass is not the right or left, as it is normally done in my household, but right in the center.

First Course: I am having  “salade de carotte rapee” and a beet salad. I think, it is my favorite course!

First Course:
The start is salads. There could be salads made of green lettuce or salads like “Salade de Carotte Rapee“. Also, there is sometimes raw vegetables with the salads.

*After you have finish your full of the salads, bread is usually taken. You can take bread anytime but usually afterwards it is eaten. *

Second Course: hot, main dishes

Second Course: Marine and Yumi’s hot dish of mussels and cream.

Second Course:
This is the main dish. There is usually one or two. One is usually meat and the other a side dish- for example rice, potatoes, or cooked vegetables. But what ever it is, it is hot or cooked. If meat was the only hot dish, there is always more from the first course.

*Again bread is eaten with the course and/or after*

Third Course: Cheese

Third Course:
Here is the very, very French course, cheese. A plate of different cheeses to chose from comes out. The cheese is taken with bread. Personally, I often took two because I want to try different kinds. However, often one is just chosen to taste.

*Bread is eaten with the cheese, and this is normally the end of the bread.*

Fourth Course: Dessert

Fourth Course:
This is sweetest course. It is dessert time! When Yumi and I were visiting, they made sure to buy pastries. I always ate too much because I’ve never seen such cute and wonderful tasting desserts! But for more casual days, there is raw fruit, pudding, mouse, or yogurt. They just went all fancy because of Yumi and me!

Fifth Course:
This is the time to digest all of that yummy French cooking, bread, and sweets. Coffee and tea is made.

Sounds like a yummy meal, right? I’ve never had meals like this- unless I was on a cruise!

I want to thank my family and friends for letting me take such lovely meals with them! I have not way of repaying you all such a wonderful gifts and experiences you have given me. I have learned more with you then in classrooms.


**Also, all pictures are from Marine. I was too busy eating and drinking to take pictures! Thanks, Marine!**

Salade de Carottes Râpées

Published Tuesday, 1 May 2012 by Sydney Sunny

Marine’s mother Mme Patricia saw my post about my favorite French things. She told me when I come over she will teach me how to make “salade de carottes râpées” (shredded carrot salad) because it is very simple! So here is the recipe from a French cook!

Before dinner Totoro become nervous. He feared that he would be on the menu! However, Mme Patricia showed him how to make a wonderful orange colored salad!

You will need:
Carrots (500g but you can use as many as you want)
Dijon Mustard
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper

1. Peel the carrots. I think, she had about 500grams.

2. Shred the carrots- by machine it is fast! Put the carrots in a separate bowl.

3. In a small bowl, toss on a bit of salt and pepper (more can be added later for taste) and plop in some Dijon mustard (only can be Dijon) – about 1 or 2 spoon fulls.

4. Mix in olive oil till it becomes fluffy or thick but runny, like the picture.

6. Pore the dressing on the carrots right away and mix. If you want you can make more dressing, add more pepper or salt to taste.

Totoro was very happy not to be on the menu! The French often eat this salad as a first course! Personally, it could be my only course!

The yummy end!

The Paris Jungle

Published Thursday, 26 April 2012 by Sydney Sunny

The next day, Stephanie and I headed out to find my family! My family came for a day in Paris for the vacation. Agathe just came back from Tokyo, too! I was so happy to see them again. It was like Christmas again!

Vegan Folie's

We went to Vegan Folie’s. It is a rare little vegan cupcake place! The cups looked so cute and well made! Some where bight colored, others rich and dark, and others sparkled! The cupcakes had funny names: Choc Norris, Johnny Nutsville, John Lemon, and Austin Flower, to name a few. The cupcakes were not just sweet but there is also savory too! Plus, scrumptious looking brownies and cheesecakes.

Agathe with all the yummy vegan cupcakes!

Agathe bought 10 cupcakes! After a Japanese buffet lunch, I choose Choc Norris. It was chocolate with vegan “Nutella”.  Whoa, it was amazing! Also, I had a few fingers of Austin Flower’s purple lavender icing.

Cupcakes ready to be eaten!

My vegan cupcake, Choc Norris - no regret.

Afterwards, Agathe, Stephanie, and I explored the jungle in Paris. Do you not know about the jungle of Paris?
Well it is called Le Jardin des Plantes. We went deep into the jungle greenhouse, full of plants from all around the world.

Paris's jungle.

Center view.


"holy" leaves

My family said goodbye in the Metro. Stephanie then took me to Concord to shop at a British book store and have tea at Mariage Freres at the Louvre. And again, we stayed up very late! haha!

Till next time! One more day in Paris with Stephanie!

Always Paris

Published Wednesday, 25 April 2012 by Sydney Sunny

What am I going to do when I can no longer go to Paris on the weekends? I look forward to Paris during the whole week. It is a usual sight to see me walking to the train station on a Saturday morning.
One weekend I stayed in Paris for two nights at Stephanie’s apartment.  She is done with classes, and I just had one more week. So we where ready to explore!

Stephanie and I met with Yumi and walked to Baby the Stars Shine Bright. We stayed for a long time talking and looking at every detail of the store. Yumi and Stephanie wanted me to try on something. I had no objection to this proposal! I tried on Lady’s Victorian Afternoon square neck blouse in black and Pas de Deux in the blue moon Odette jumper skirt in black with the matching bow. I am proud of the coordination!

Baby the Stars Shine Bright's Pas de Deux in the blue moon Odette.

I have fallen in love with Pas de Deux in the blue moon Odette. It is really a nice print, and the jumpskirt has lovely details! But, I didn’t buy it. Instead, I bought new socks. I have love affairs with socks.

We also went to Boddywood/Angelic Pretty. Sadly, Angelic Pretty no longer has a special room. They have made the right back corner Angelic Pretty’s home. I have to say, the slection is just not as great as Baby’s, so I never find anything to fall in love with. However, Boddywood has all sorts of other goodies! I bought a Swimmer Wallet (large for my passport) and Hello Kitty vs. Samipoo by Baby the Stars Shine Bright paper.

After stoping in another shop we were famished from shopping so much! We walked to American Breakfast. It is a cute American style dinner. Apparently, they are popular in Paris. I ordered a nice vegetarian soy burger with a green salad! YUM!

Then, Stephanie showed Yumi and me some shops in Paris! I really like a shop called Lollipops. The bags and shoes were really cute and not a million Euros! Also, the huge vintage store called, Hippie Market. It was really nice. The clothes were well washed and in nice contition! Stephanie found wonderful white boots that fit! Lucky!

Hippie Market is a MUST! I hope to go again!

Finally, we made our way to the movies to see Titanic 3D! I don’t think the 3D was worth it, but I enjoyed seeing the film on the 100th anniversary of the Titanic’s sinking. I really did not like the French movie theater. The bathroom had only 3 toilets, and the theater was burning up! Horrible!

We returned really late, and Stephanie and I talked almost all night! Oh la la!

The shopping of the day: Hello vs. Samipoo paper, Titanic 3D ticket with glasses, Baby the Stars Shine Bright OTK logo glitter socks, and a Swimmer wallet.

My weekend doesn’t stop there! I had such a wonderful time the next day too!
Till my next post!